Friday, December 13, 2013

Blog update!

I just wanted to let everyone know that they should check out this site: Help a Daddy Meet His Daughter!

My brother could really use any help you can give, so please head over to his site and, if you can, make a donation.

I've attached a permanent link to the site on the right side of my blog, under "VISIT THESE SITES!", to make it easier to have access to.

Thanks in advance for any contributions made!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

WWE Survivor Series 2013 - Predictions and Discussion

Check out that amazing main event matchup on the pic above!… No, it's really not. It's not amazing and it's not the main event. They decided to make that match one of the traditional elimination matches at the event… I can't even…


So, remember that time when I said I'd be watching Hell in a Cell? Yeah, that never happened. And it doesn't look like I'll be watching Survivor Series either; I've got an important Broncos game to watch. But, I will be posting my predictions for the matches, just so I can see if things are still as predictable as ever in the WWE.

Here are the predictions:

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog Update!

Hello readers!

It's been awhile since I've posted, so I wanted to let everyone know what's been going on. There are going to be some changes to my blog, effective immediately:

- First, my schedule is jam packed these days, regarding school and work, so I will only be reviewing one show at a time from this moment on. I've chosen to stick with my Sons of Anarchy reviews since I've posted more for that show than for The Walking Dead. I may review certain shows after the season has already aired, that way I could have reviews posted quicker, but that won't happen until Sons of Anarchy is over first.

- As of right now, I'll continue to review Sons, and then most likely continue watching/reviewing House of Cards (it's about time, right?). After that, I'll keep you updated. Even though I'm currently watching other shows, reviewing them will have to wait until I can access their seasons fully. But, I do plan to watch and review this season of Homeland, but I'm waiting until the entire season is over to start watching it (that's willpower, huh?). Oh, and obviously when Game of Thrones starts in March/April 2014, that will be my choice to review above all others.

- In a bigger announcement, I have been making progress in my writing, and could not be more excited about it. I'm still trying to figure out what to share on my blog and what not to, but I could always just use this as an outlet for general info without revealing storylines and such.

*For example, I finally have titles for the overall series AND the first novel of the series; plus, I've started organizing by beginning my outline and character profiles. I've also finished a short story which I am trying to shop around; the short story is actually a prequel to the main series, taking place 60 years beforehand, and sets up the story for future characters. Yeah, it's been a busy week. Hopefully, I'll have more posts like this in the near future.

Thanks for checking back, everyone! Subscribe to the blog and follow me (Google+, Twitter, etc.) to get updates on all future posts.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sons of Anarchy - S6, E5 - "The Mad King" Review

After some crazy events in the last episode, how did this one fare? Read on to find out!

Sons of Anarchy - S6, E4 - "Wolfsangel" Review

The last episode had one hell of a cliffhanger. How did it turn out? Read on!

Sons of Anarchy - S6, E3 - "Poenitentia" Review

Here is the latest (and literally very late) review for Sons of Anarchy. Read on!

Sons of Anarchy - S6, E2 - "One One Six" Review

I apologize for the late review. So, after the premiere's controversial episode, how did this entry compare? Read on to find out!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Walking Dead - S4, E1 - "30 Days Without an Accident" Review

Season 4 of The Walking Dead premiered tonight. I believe that this is some kind of exciting occasion, am I right? Well, read on to find out for yourself!

Monday, October 7, 2013

WWE Battleground 2013

Remember that time when I said I would have predictions posted for each event no matter what?... Well, as you've probably noticed, I changed my mind about that (at least for this event). Until WWE decides on one pay-per-view for the month of October, I'll only be posting about the main event of the month, which I consider to be Hell in a Cell.

Besides, I heard that Battleground was subpar anyway... Ziggler was in the pre-show (really???), no titles changed hands, and there was a no-contest result in the main event. Ugh, I'll never understand the writers...

But, if I could complain about just one more thing (this post is actually going a bit longer than expected): So, they finally put Axel on the card in a title match, but they have him defend against R-Truth, with almost no build-up to the match whatsoever. If they're trying to bring back some credibility to the Intercontinental Title, they should really have some kind of a feud going on. Remember Triple H vs. The Rock at Madison Square Garden, Summerslam '98? That was an Intercontinental Title feud! Anyway, it's not like they have great feuds for anything but the WWE Title... Oh well, perhaps someday they'll get back on the ball with the importance of titles.

End rant.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E16 - "Felina" Review *SERIES FINALE*

Well, we're finally here. The end of the Walter White saga. So, how did it all end? Read on to find out!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Busy schedules are not cool..

Once again, I have to apologize for falling behind in my reviews.. I need to review the series finale of Breaking Bad (which will definitely be up tomorrow!), two episodes of Sons of Anarchy, and the season premiere of Homeland.

I'll try my very best to get on that soon. Thanks for your patience and for checking back to support my blog; it's much appreciated.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E15 - "Granite State" Review

The penultimate episode of Breaking Bad. So, how did it compare to last week's episode? Read on to find out!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WWE PPV Lineup

This is just a short, random post about what's going on in WWE. I just wanted to comment on their pay-per-view schedule, because it's a little strange. Normally, they have a PPV once a month, but this year they didn't have one in March (that month has always been a bit off, since Wrestlemania is either the last Sunday in March or sometime in April), and as I'm just finding out, they will be having two events in October. I find that a little odd.

So, WWE Battleground and WWE Hell in a Cell will be three weeks away from each other. To all who have read my WWE posts, I'm just going to apologize beforehand; I don't believe that I will be LIVE blogging both events, possibly neither one, I'm not sure yet. But, I will always have a post of predictions, no matter what.

That's all I have to say about that.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E14 - "Ozymandias" Review

So, are you wondering what happened during the shootout from last week? Well, let's not waste any time. Read on.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

WWE Night of Champions 2013 - Predictions, Discussion, LIVE Results??

Last month, I posted my predictions about Summerslam and blogged the results during the event. Unfortunately, I will be missing the event tonight (I will be at Metlife Stadium watching the Broncos take care of the Giants!), but I am still going to post my predictions. Perhaps I will be able to see the replay later tonight somehow, but if not, I hope you enjoy my predictions either way. Here they are:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sons of Anarchy - S6, E1 - "Straw" Review

Sons of Anarchy is back, baby!! This is one of my most anticipated shows of the season, so I'm pretty excited if you couldn't tell. So, let's dive right into this week's episode, the first of the show's penultimate season:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E13 - "To'hajiilee" Review

Now we come to the final four episodes.. The anticipation to get here has been killing me! Read on to find out what happened in the latest episode.

Breaking Bad - S5, E12 - "Rabid Dog" Review

It's unbelievable that there are only four more episodes left after this one. I have a feeling that this show is going to finish strong, unlike some other shows that will remain nameless (HINT: I have an issue with a certain show that ended abruptly with a black screen that interrupted a popular song). But anyway, let's get down to the latest Breaking Bad episode!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

With a Heavy Heart..

Unfortunately, my family has suffered a great loss today.. My grandfather has passed away.. The reason I am posting this right now, is because I don't want anyone to think that I've disappeared, but it is most likely that I will be waiting a few days before I post anything else..

I have watched tonight's episode of Breaking Bad, so my review for that will go up later this week, and I may also post about my recent vacation to Las Vegas, but again, that will have to wait a bit. I hope you all understand.

Rest in Peace, Pop.. I hope that wherever you are, you're eagerly anticipating the start of another Giants football season, just like the old days. Love you.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E11 - "Confessions" Review

What happened in the interrogation room with Hank and Jesse? Did Skylar have yet another nervous breakdown? And did Marie go back to her kleptomaniac ways?? Read on to find out!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hello, everybody. I just wanted to apologize for the lack of posts this week; it has been a hectic week of school, work, and sleep (when I have time for that, even). I'll try and get a review or two done for House of Cards in the near future. Of course, there will be one for Breaking Bad this sunday. Other than that, I'll try to make sure I find the time to post on here more.

Thanks for your patience, and for all the support on this blog so far. By the way, I just have to say that the SummerSlam LIVE blog was a hit! I will definitely try and make sure that I see every pay-per-view from this moment forward, that way I can LIVE blog again.

Thanks again!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E10 - "Buried" Review

After last week's ending, where did that leave Walt and Hank's relationship? Is Jesse still feeling the effects of what he's been involved in? Find out here!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

WWE SummerSlam 2013 - Predictions, Discussion, LIVE Results

Tonight, I will be covering the greatest sports-entertainment event of the summer: WWE SummerSlam! If you want to hear my predictions on the match results, my general opinions about the superstars, or anything else wrestling-related, then check it out! And then check back DURING the event for my live results!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm Still Here!

I apologize for the delay in content the past few days, but I haven't been able to watch much of House of Cards. Other than that, I've just been working and juggling ideas that I've had to better my financial situation. Hopefully, I'll be in a better spot soon enough, and things will start moving forward in my career.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is WWE SummerSlam and I'll be blogging about it! Yes, I am a huge fan of the WWE. I'll have predictions for the matches and other thoughts about the event, so check in tomorrow for more.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E6 - "Chapter 6" Review

Time for some more House of Cards goodness. Read on to find out what happened in "Chapter 6":

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E9 - "Blood Money" Review

After almost a year of being off the air, the long wait for fans of the show was a grueling one. Well, I can only imagine since, thankfully, I just finished watching the previous eight episodes last week on Netflix. This will be the first time that I watch Breaking Bad on a weekly basis. Let's find out if it was worth the wait:

Sunday Thoughts..

Hello everybody! Well, tonight is a night full of good shows: Dexter, True Blood, and Breaking Bad! Hell, even Total Divas is on! Well, in terms of shows I choose to write about this season, I will try my best to have a review up for Breaking Bad later tonight. It should be an exciting episode.

Other than TV show stuff, I've finished all of my classwork for this week of school, and tomorrow begins "Week 2". Principles of Digital Marketing is a pretty amazing class so far, and it's really teaching me the intricacies of social media and how to market towards an audience. :ahem: follow J. M. DeSantis on Twitter at and check out his website at

Anyway, stop back again later!

Friday, August 9, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E5 - "Chapter 5" Review

Did Claire find out about Frank and Zoe's night together? Has Peter smartened up yet? Let's find out!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E4 - "Chapter 4" Review

The stakes are now higher as Frank and Zoe have an interesting encounter. Find out more after the jump!

House of Cards - S1, E3 - "Chapter 3" Review

"Chapter 3" may have been a mixed bag, but you still want to know what happened, right? Then, read on!

House of Cards - S1, E2 - "Chapter 2" Review

"Every Tuesday I sit down with the Speaker and the Majority Leader to discuss the week's agenda. Well, 'discuss' is probably the wrong word. They talk while I sit quietly and imagine their lightly-salted faces frying in a skillet." - Frank Underwood

House of Cards - S1, E1 - "Chapter 1" Review

First, let me just say that these reviews will probably be different than those you would find on a regular website. This is my blog, so these are my complete, uninhibited thoughts about subjects that interest me. As it pertains to reviews, there will be spoilers; There will not be a score of any sort at the end of each review, as to better the chances of my audience reading through the entirety of the post. If you're okay with this, enjoy my review for the very first episode of House of Cards.

Small detail about Reviews

Hello readers! I just wanted to let everyone know that if, for some reason, the blog page becomes too crowded with reviews or any other type of posts, go to the left side of the page where it says "Labels" and search for what you want through there.

Reviews will be labeled accordingly, as you'll see in the next couple of minutes. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My first review of a TV series!

Hello everybody! I just wanted to let you all know that soon I will be reviewing any TV shows that I haven't seen before, right here, for your reading pleasure. I'll most likely start off with something from the beginning, so for shows like Dexter and True Blood, which are currently almost done, they will have to wait until next year (except Dexter, unfortunately, as this is its last season).

My current list of shows that I have not seen yet, but would like to start, are as follows:

- Orange is the New Black
- House of Cards
- Hemlock Grove
- Banshee
- Ray Donovan

I'd like to watch only one of these shows at a time, being that all of my regular shows come back this fall, but we'll see how it goes. So, what show do you think I should start with? Comment below and let me know.

Also, here is the list of my fall shows, just to give you an idea of what's coming up on my blog:

- Sons of Anarchy (Season 6)
- Boardwalk Empire (Season 4)
- American Horror Story: Coven
- Nikita (Season 4)
- The Walking Dead (Season 4)
- Once Upon a Time (Season 3)
- Homeland (Season 3)

And yes, I will be reviewing Breaking Bad (Season 5, Part 2), because it's been too long since it's been on TV, it may as well be a separate season.

As you can probably tell, I'm pretty excited for these shows to come back.

Inaugural Post

Greetings everyone! If you are reading this, then that means you are at least mildly interested in what I have to say. I started this blog so that I could keep myself writing every day, in order to better myself at the craft. You'll find different kinds of posts on here, ranging anywhere from different updates on my book ideas (when will it ever be done?), to reviews of some kind (TV, movie, etc.), and just about anything else.

Thanks in advance for checking out my blog, and hopefully I'll have something better for you to read soon.