Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E12 - "Rabid Dog" Review

It's unbelievable that there are only four more episodes left after this one. I have a feeling that this show is going to finish strong, unlike some other shows that will remain nameless (HINT: I have an issue with a certain show that ended abruptly with a black screen that interrupted a popular song). But anyway, let's get down to the latest Breaking Bad episode!

Damn, this final season is just too good for words. I'm sure that I'll be saying that a lot more as we come to the end of this series. So, let's get right to it: In the middle of this episode, they replayed the final scene from last week where Jesse busted into Walt's house with the gasoline, only this time they showed what happened right after that. Hank followed him in and stopped him! Walt just thought that Jesse changed his mind, but the moment they showed Hank stop Jesse, I knew that Jesse was about to turn on Walt (not in the burn-his-house way, but the tell-Hank-about-everything way). This led to some great moments where Hank hid Jesse at his house, in which Marie had absolutely no problem doing so if it involved taking down Walt (I don't know why, but Marie's hatred towards Walt this season is amazing!), and where Hank and Jesse planned to get Walt to confess everything on tape. I noticed something during these scenes though, and it goes back to what I said a couple of times in the past: Hank is so obsessed with catching Walt, that he even expressed a disinterest if Jesse were to get caught with the wire on, even claiming that it would be better because Walt would leave himself even more exposed.. That's messed up, Hank, even for you.

I just want to touch upon a couple of other things with this week's episode: Skylar was really showing how far she would go to protect her family, especially when she suggested that Walt kill Jesse. Of course Walt wouldn't hear of it, but she seemed pretty adamant about it.

By the way, I also loved how she totally saw through Walt's story about that faulty gas pump and the gas smell in their house. He told it well, but she and Walt Jr. have heard one too many stories, I think. Speaking of Walt Jr. (you already know that I love that kid), that moment when he hugged Walt literally broke me.. I'm not looking forward to the moment where he finds out the truth about his father. It's going to be rough.

In the end, after a misread on Jesse's part, it looks as though Walt is finally settling into the idea of "taking care of" Jesse. I didn't really think it would come to that, but after all that Walt has done, I don't blame Jesse for feeling a little bitter.

I can't wait for the next episode. Until then, please keep reading, and thank you for all the views!

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