Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E13 - "To'hajiilee" Review

Now we come to the final four episodes.. The anticipation to get here has been killing me! Read on to find out what happened in the latest episode.

This season has been interesting with their intro scenes; Some have been really cool (like with the flash-forwards) and some have been really random, like with this episode. After an unsuccessful cook, Todd and Lydia have a conversation, and it seems as if Todd has a thing for Lydia. For now, I'll classify this as random, but I may be proven wrong if it actually leads somewhere, we'll see. I just thought it was funny when Todd noticed Lydia's lipstick on the mug after she left, and then drank from that exact spot on the mug. Again, I don't know if it's just random or not, but the director did seem to focus on it with the camera.

I was glad to see Andrea and Brock make an appearance this season, but it may have been the only time. Walt had an elaborate plan to use them to draw Jesse out from hiding, but it backfired because Walt doesn't know that Hank has Jesse's phone and that Jesse is working with Hank. Hank intercepted the message from Andrea, realized what Walt was doing, and shut down the plan real quick. It was an amusing Hank moment, for sure.

Any scene that Saul pops up in is instantly a good one. When he shows up at the car wash to ask Walt about Huell's location (Oh, I forgot to mention that tidbit about Hank getting Huell to divulge info on Walt), he acts like a customer in front of Skylar and Walt Jr. It was funny, because Jr. was wide-eyed the entire time since Saul is on the billboards by their house. I just love hearing Saul's catchphrase, "Better call Saul!"

Then, we come to the picture message and the phone call.. Wow! Once that text came through, and the picture of the barrel of money showed up, I thought two things: 1) I don't believe for a second that they found Walt's money, but he's totally gonna fall for it. And 2) Oh, here we go!! A lot of anger, frustration, and revelations came out in just a minute or two, and it was glorious. Jesse threatened Walt and his money in order to get Walt in the hands of Hank, and in the attempt, Walt confessed to so much during that call: poisoning Brock, murdering Gus, Emilio, and others, etc. But, then the craziness continued once Walt saw Jesse arrive in the desert with Hank and his partner; this was the moment that Walt felt the biggest betrayal, because I don't think he ever expected Jesse to become a rat. Just to see Walt get arrested, and then to see Jesse spit in his face, it was as if the last 5 seasons had really come to a head. Though, I never truly believed Walt to go quietly considering that he's free in the flash-forwards that we've seen.

With all of the tension going on in that last scene, I knew something was going to happen, and then Hank made his call to Marie.. It seemed like that typical last-phone-call-before-the-character-dies sort of call, so all I could think was "Uh-oh..", and then Todd and his Uncle Jack showed up.. Holy crap, I should've known. I definitely thought that we were gonna see Hank get killed, and then it went to a commercial.. Oh wait, it ended up being the credits.. I literally yelled at the TV, because I couldn't believe they ended it there. I guess we'll see the results of the shootout next week.

Things are getting really good! Three more to go!

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