Monday, September 23, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E15 - "Granite State" Review

The penultimate episode of Breaking Bad. So, how did it compare to last week's episode? Read on to find out!

This episode had a much slower pace than the last one, but it was still pretty good. Robert Forster made an appearance in the show, which was awesome. Back when Saul told Jesse that he could disappear and start a new life, he mentioned that he knew a guy who specialized in that sort of thing; Forster plays that guy! As of the end of last week's episode, we knew that Walt was getting into the "guy's" van, but this episode began with Saul getting out of it. So, it was interesting to see Saul and Walt interacting, especially while they were in the predicament they were in now; even more so when Saul walked away from Walt, saying "It's over". Was that the last time we'll be seeing Saul on the show?

Jack and his crew stooped to new lows this week. First, they trashed Hank and Marie's house to find any evidence that would lead back to them, and they found that evidence contained in Jesse's confession tape. By the way, the moment that Todd heard his name mentioned in the video, even in such a negative way, he had such a creepy smile on his face. He really is a sociopath. That level of crazy came out even more later when he broke into Walt's house and threatened Skylar and her kids. With a ski mask on, he just looked even more creepy. The funny thing about all of this is that Todd is just infatuated with Lydia, and so he's making sure that Jesse stays alive long enough to teach him how to get the most quality of their batches of meth, plus his threat to Skylar was all based on Skylar keeping her mouth shut about Lydia's involvement with their business. What a classy guy. But, that new low that I spoke about occurred when Jesse tried to escape his cell. In order to keep Jesse in line, Todd killed Andrea in cold blood, right in front of Jesse, leaving Brock an orphan and still in danger. Damn, in terms of characters who I hope get their comeuppance, Todd has gained a spot right next to Jack. Not to mention, Lydia, who has pretty much told Todd that Skylar needs to be killed because Skylar knows who she is. I see some ricin in Lydia's future.

Meanwhile, Walt was taken to a lonely cabin in New Hampshire to live in seclusion. Basically, he was told that if he left the cabin, he would be caught due to the nationwide manhunt for him. Fast forward some time later (perhaps a few months, since Walt's hair was completely grown back), and Walt was still at the cabin, receiving his monthly supply drops from the "guy", as well as updates about his family and the outside world. After paying the "guy" (seriously, what else do I call him?) an extra $10,000 to spend an another hour at the cabin with him, Walt seemed to be at his lowest. But, he decided to leave the cabin and call his son, in order to let him know that money was being sent to him. Walt Jr. completely shut out Walt, because he still thinks that Walt killed Hank. This was a really powerful scene; you could really tell how broken Walt was from the conversation. After this, he resigned himself to being caught, until he watched what was on TV anyway: In a nice throwback to his original motivation for getting into the meth business, the company that Walt was the mind behind, Gray Matter Technologies, and its owners were denouncing Walt and his involvement in the company on national television. The look on Walt's face was absolutely priceless. This was enough to get him motivated again, as he escaped the bar before the cops found him.

This will surely lead him to the events of the episode where he was shown arriving at his old, abandoned house, with a trunk full of weapons. What will he do now? Will he wage a one-man army against Jack and his crew? Will he forcefully take down Gray Matter? Will Jesse utterly destroy Todd? I'm pretty excited about the series finale and all of its possibilities. One more week to go.

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