Monday, September 16, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E14 - "Ozymandias" Review

So, are you wondering what happened during the shootout from last week? Well, let's not waste any time. Read on.

I'm just going to dive right into the first major event of this episode: The shootout is over; Gomez is dead; Hank has a gunshot wound to the leg; Jesse is missing. After realizing all of this, then we're treated to some of the best 5-10 minutes of television ever created. I really thought that Walt would convince Jack, using the promise of his $80 million, not to kill Hank, but alas. This marked the episode of Hank's demise, and it was pretty intense. I was never the biggest fan of the character, but I could understand where he was coming from, and I could truly appreciate the acting talents of Dean Norris. So, the moment that Jack shot Hank, I actually covered my face, threw my head back, and yelled "Oh my God!", and proceeded to enter a state of disbelief. It didn't help matters when they showed Jack burying Hank and Gomez in the same spot that they dug up Walt's barrels of money. Breaking Bad, you certainly know how to make me feel for all of your characters no matter what.

I was also really surprised that Walt gave up Jesse so easily; I'm guessing he now blames Jesse for Hank's death. Jesse was hiding underneath the car the whole time and saw the whole thing, but then once Walt saw him, he let Jack and his goons know about it and they took him. But, before they took him away, Walt told Jesse about how he watched Jane die (back in season 2) and how he could've saved her; this seemed to break Jesse and really put Walt in an even more terrible light for me personally. That was just another cruel moment for him.

In another well-acted scene, Marie went to see Skylar so she could tell her all about Walt's arrest, unaware that the whole plan went awry and that Hank was dead. To be honest, I felt so bad for her, considering she had no idea about Hank. Marie also made sure that Skylar told Walt Jr. about everything, in which Jr. reacted in total denial; Poor kid. But, I was expecting more of a fallout from that scene. Oh wait, that happened next..

So, the scene in the house.. Wow, that was crazy and then some. Once Skylar found Walt inside the house, she immediately questioned him about Hank, and things started to get insane. I have to say though, it's unfortunate that Walt didn't tell her exactly what happened to him, because now she thinks that Walt killed him. As an audience member, this is just one of those things that gets on my nerves. Anyway, Skylar then proceeds to attack Walt with a knife, as Jr. looks on in disbelief, and then once Walt got Skylar on her back, Jr. pretty much tackled Walt to get him off of her. Then, Jr. called the cops on Walt, and it started to sink in, for us and Walt, that he was finished. Before the phone call was done, Walt took baby Holly with him before he left, leaving Skylar crying and screaming. Out of all the things that Walt has done, I started to think that he really became irredeemable at that moment.

Later on, Walt called the house to speak to Skylar. The cops were there listening, as Walt knew they would be, but Walt started talking craziness; he accused Skylar of never supporting the work that he did for the family, calling her names and putting her down. I started to think that he just snapped, but then I realized that he was intentionally trying to make sure the cops didn't think Skylar ever knew anything. It was his last attempt to protect the family. This is also why he left Holly inside of a fire truck, so she would be found by someone responsible. I guess he's now on the run. The only thing that confused me is why, in that same phone call, he took credit for Hank's death. If I had to guess, he probably wants to make sure that Jack doesn't get arrested, because he probably wants to get revenge for Hank. That's something I'd really like to see.

Well, there's only two more episodes left, and it just keeps getting better! What's going to happen to Jesse in Todd's hands? Where did Walt go? How will Walt's family deal with everything now? Check back next week for the answers.

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