Friday, September 13, 2013

Sons of Anarchy - S6, E1 - "Straw" Review

Sons of Anarchy is back, baby!! This is one of my most anticipated shows of the season, so I'm pretty excited if you couldn't tell. So, let's dive right into this week's episode, the first of the show's penultimate season:

So, I'm just gonna go ahead and say this one word, because it encompasses the entirety of that premiere.... DAMN!

I usually like to cover the events of these shows chronologically, so I'll start with poor Otto.. Man, he can't catch a break. Sons of Anarchy is the kind of show that tests limits, and I love that, but I wasn't expecting to see Otto getting raped in prison. One would imagine that's how the story would progress, being that he murdered Lee Toric's sister and all, but it was shocking either way. In a way, I felt like this may have been the last time we'd see Otto, considering that Lee told him that the morning "visits" he arranged would continue even after Lee's favors were used up. If it is the last time we see him, then once again... damn.

Damon Pope's replacement, August Marks, had some interesting things to say in this episode; namely, the fact that Jax still owes him Tig for what happened to Pope. Really?? I thought Tig was in the clear! this upset me, because Tig is one of the only characters that I'd like to see survive to the end of the series. Only time will tell if Jax will actually give in to Marks' demands.

Jax had other things to take care of when Lila showed up beaten and tortured. Apparently, Iranian pornographers hired her and others to be in a film, but failed to mention that they would be tortured, burned, etc. I have to say, the moment they showed the tub full of urine, I knew that someone would be taking a dip in there. Tig came through later on when he drowned one of the pornographers in there for making a remark about his daughter. During all of these scenes, we were also introduced to Charles Barosky, a former cop who runs the docks where the pornos were being filmed; and did I mention that he's played by Peter Weller?! I love it when Robocop shows up in a show that I love.

So, let's get into Lee Toric. In my eyes, Donal Logue has always been a great actor, but he seems to really sink into the character of Lee, and I'm loving it; mostly because he seems to be the type of character that one loves to hate. Anyway, it seems that he planned Tara's arrest and is planning on using her to bring down the club. Similarly with Clay, Lee let him know that he could keep him safe if he turned on the club, considering that if Clay went into the part of the prison that's public, then he would be killed (Marks has men in there waiting to kill Clay). So, in typical-Clay-fashion, he took Lee's deal because he will do anything to survive. Sometimes I'm surprised that Clay is even still around; I really thought he would've been killed two seasons ago.

On a random note (there's a few of them actually), Chibs is still pissed at Juice for all the betrayals, but can't kill him because Jax is giving him a pass, so Chibs decided to beat the crap out of him instead; Bobby is thinking of becoming a Nomad; Jax has random sex with the head of a whorehouse.. I'm guessing because he's lonely? After, what, a week that Tara has been in prison? I'm not a fan of this decision, Jax; Let's see, Tara kicked the crap out of an inmate who stole her blanket. That was a bit of an overreaction, but still an awesome one; Oh, and Lee Toric does heroin, or something like that, and has strange naked poses in front of a mirror.

I think I've covered everything. Oh wait.. There's still the issue of the random kid who appeared throughout the episode. If Im not mistaken, he seems to be the son of a woman who is dating Dave Navarro's character. By the way, I don't know if they've ever named Navarro's character, so I've just been calling him "Navarro", which is what I'll be doing throughout my Sons of Anarchy posts until I'm told otherwise. Anyway, this kid is seen in many random places, but at the end of the episode, he enters his school with a gun and starts firing. Here's my issue with this moment, and I know there are many out there who went a little crazy about it: I believe that it may have been a little ill-timed, what with school just starting back up, but it was extremely vital to the story lines that will be occurring this season. Did most people fail to realize that this will probably be the catalyst for Jax wanting to get completely out of the gun business? It did have importance to the story. It's a TV show.

On a personal note, I don't want to sound insensitive, that's not my intention, but a lot of people were complaining about their kids seeing the show. First of all, if you have a kid who is too young to watch it, why would they see it when a) they should probably be in bed at that hour, or b) you should be monitoring what they watch? Oh well, what's done is done. Kurt Sutter will always get flack for his story lines, but if a writer can't get a little heat every now and then, then he isn't doing a great job. Looks to me like Sutter is one hell of a writer.

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