Thursday, August 8, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E3 - "Chapter 3" Review

"Chapter 3" may have been a mixed bag, but you still want to know what happened, right? Then, read on!

Here we are again, after another episode of House of Cards. Unfortunately, not too much happened this time around, except a bit of filler.

It kind of felt like watching an episode of Law & Order, in which some event happened that we knew would be resolved by the end of the episode; and this event will probably not even come up again later, though I could be proven wrong over the next few episodes. Another downfall to this filler story was that it was Frank's story in the episode. A 17-year-old girl died in a car crash in Frank's hometown, and someone else was blaming Frank because of a tower that he never got rid of (it's a long story, just go with it). Anyway, he spends the episode going back there to fix the mess, and 56 minutes into the episode later, everything is okay.

The one aspect of the episode that I did like, which thankfully Frank was a part of, was when he and Zoe were texting each other. I loved the effect that they used to show their conversation. The camera didn't zoom in on the phones, and we didn't hear their inner monologue, but the texts would come up typing on the screen as the characters texted. Very cool indeed. Not to mention, it was interesting to note that they were very much flirting, which will probably lead to some "sexy time" later on.

Otherwise, the story moved slow for others. Russo and Christine had some scenes together that showed, once again, how dumb Christine is. When she had a chance to get into a better job and make her and Russo's relationship official (since their office relationship is secret and all), she decided to stay after all when Russo basically moaned and complained about her leaving. We all know that Russo just wants her to be around because he's selfish, he even said it himself; but, I think there's more to it than that. He probably would stop seeing her if their relationship weren't a secret, because he seems like the type to think that way. Oh well, their drama continues, I guess.

Then, there was Zoe's TV interview. She was good at dodging all of the questions, but her editor seemed to get really upset with her afterwards. What's his problem with her, anyway? Does he not like the extra business that Zoe is bringing to the newspaper? Seriously. Oh by the way, I will now only refer to him as "The Hammer". I thought that was funny. So, now Zoe has Janine and The Hammer to contend with at the paper. Hopefully, she gets out of there and into a better position somewhere else, or maybe she'll just rise above the others faster than they would've thought. Either way, it should be interesting.

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