Thursday, August 8, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E4 - "Chapter 4" Review

The stakes are now higher as Frank and Zoe have an interesting encounter. Find out more after the jump!

Whoa. I wasn't expecting that ending; not yet anyway. I figured it would've been a few more episodes before Frank and Zoe had their little fling. But, it seems that with a few long island iced teas and some magic words, "Take your heels off", I guess they couldn't help themselves. Interestingly enough, I thought that Claire would've been the first to be unfaithful during this season. If you recall, I already thought that she was earlier, but it looks like she may have had an affair in the past with this Adam fellow. To top it all off, it almost seemed as if Frank knew that they had an affair before. But anyway, Claire stopped anything from happening with Adam and left his hotel room, leaving him to foot the bill for the two bottles of wine that he had just ordered. I'm sure Adam cursed her off after she left.

Other than that, the reason for Zoe's night of drinking and sex with Frank was due to the fact that she had just been fired by a very angry Hammer. he also called her a very bad word that women do not like; then, Zoe proceeded to send a text of some sort, which we didn't find out the contents of. Maybe next episode? So anyway, she turned down the role of White House Correspondent so she could be more available to Frank and his inside knowledge. This just about gave The Hammer a nervous breakdown, since he only offered her the job because the owner of the paper told him to. Also, Janine wanted nothing to do with Zoe, once again, even after Zoe told her to take the job because she didn't want it. Janine proceeded to call her stupid and curse her off. So.. Janine is just too proud for her own good, huh?

Then, we come to Christine and Russo again. Ah, the lovely couple. Russo apparently has kids from a previous marriage, and was tasked with watching them for the night (or weekend?). He can't even do that right; he dropped them off at his place after school, then went out drinking all night. Christine comes home to find them there and stays until Russo gets home, drunk and ready to pass out. In the morning, she finally grew some balls and dumped him. Good job. Granted, Russo was pretty upset that he had to do something else he didn't want to because Frank called in another favor from him, but he left the kids all alone. That's just pathetic and awful at the same time.

Well, enough of my rambling. Those were the highlights of the episode. I look forward to seeing how, and when, Claire reacts to Frank and Zoe's affair, as well as where Christine picks up after leaving Russo behind. Things are getting interesting.

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