Sunday, August 18, 2013

WWE SummerSlam 2013 - Predictions, Discussion, LIVE Results

Tonight, I will be covering the greatest sports-entertainment event of the summer: WWE SummerSlam! If you want to hear my predictions on the match results, my general opinions about the superstars, or anything else wrestling-related, then check it out! And then check back DURING the event for my live results!

So, here is the match card in the order that I think it will occur, plus the predictions for each match:

- Natalya vs. Brie Bella [I believe this is a pre-show match?] -- Nikki Bella and Eva Marie will get involved in the match somehow, but the Fukadactyls will help out, and this will all result in Natalya coming out with the win.

- Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Rob Van Dam (U.S. Title)  [Pre-show] -- Plain and simple, I think Van Dam will win. He's been getting such a huge push since his return, that I think the WWE wants to put the belt around the waist of someone who is a fan-favorite. I'm not sure if the other Shield members will try to interfere, but if they do, then Mark Henry and The Big Show may help Van Dam with the win.

- Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow -- First of all, I think that this match will be one of the high points of the night, especially if Cody pulls off some of the stuff he's been doing for the past few weeks. It will be a fantastic match the whole way through, but I believe that Sandow will win, probably after using the briefcase in some way.

- Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Christian (World Heavyweight Title) -- Here's the thing: No matter who wins, I think that that champion will be transitional until the new one. What I mean is, if Del Rio wins, he will only have the belt for a little while longer until a 'face' takes it from him soon (hopefully Ziggler). And if Christian wins, then a 'heel' will take it from him quickly. Perhaps Sandow will cash in tonight? That's hard to tell. As for the actual winner of the match, I think that Christian will take it.

- Kane vs. Bray Wyatt (Ring of Fire match) -- This match could be really awesome, or it can be a letdown. I've seen Wyatt in NXT, and he's really good, so he'll probably bring out the best in Kane. I think we're in for something amazing with this match. Wyatt will win because it's his first televised match, and in order to make him seem like an actual threat, he needs to win.

- Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ Lee -- Dolph Ziggler is my favorite wrestler of this era, so I don't feel the slightest bit biased when I say that Dolph and Kaitlyn will definitely win. But really, Dolph needs this win after being screwed with his short World Heavyweight reign; plus, it will just be a good feeling for all when they both get revenge on Big E and AJ.

- CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar -- It would be one of the best moments of the night if Punk pulls out the win, but unfortunately I think the winner will be Lesnar. This is only because Punk has Paul Heyman, and most likely Curtis Axel, to contend with as well. With the odds stacked against him, Punk will get pinned, but he will give a top-notch performance as he always does. On a side note, I think that if Axel does get involved, it would be cool if someone came out to help Punk; maybe someone who was feuding with Axel. Oh wait, no one is, because the Intercontinental Championship has been forgotten about.. again..

- John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan (WWE Title) -- Call me crazy, but I truly believe that Daniel Bryan will be the new WWE Champion at the end of the night. His status as an extreme fan-favorite is undeniable, almost to the point where I think that the crowd will come close to rioting if he doesn't win. The one thing I haven't factored into this is the special referee, Triple H. As of now, he has been siding with Bryan against Vince McMahon, but it would be an interesting swerve, on all fronts, if he were to betray Bryan and turn heel along with Cena. That would never ever happen, but it would be interesting, nonetheless. Let's not forget that Randy Orton holds the briefcase for a shot at the WWE Title. Will he cash in tonight? I think he might, no matter who wins between Cena and Bryan. But, will he win? No, I don't think so.

All in all, it's a great card and has the potential to be a memorable SummerSlam, but the one gripe I have is that the Intercontinental Championship is not being defended. Some of my fondest SummerSlam memories are of I.C. Title matches. Oh well. Check back after the event starts for my LIVE results!

LIVE Results

So, apparently the beginning Divas match was actually a tag match during Axxess earlier in the day. Unfortunately, it's not televised, so I won't be commenting on it. That, and the event has started already, so let's begin:

Match #1 - Pre-show
Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Rob Van Dam (U. S. Title)

After about 10 minutes of decent wrestling, appearances by The Shield, Mark Henry, and Big Show, the match ended as a Disqualification.. Roman Reigns came in and speared Van Dam, resulting in a DQ, ending the pre-show match on a strange note. Usually, the pre-show match is more exciting, so I was actually surprised.

Winner: Rob Van Dam (by Disqualification)

Match #2
Kane vs. Bray Wyatt (Ring of Fire match)

This was a good match, overall. It's been awhile since I've seen this type of match, so it was refreshing. I definitely liked the bits where Rowan and Harper kept trying to get into the ring, and when they finally did, it was a good payoff. I honestly thought for a second that Kane would win, which would've went against my prediction, but with the interference, Wyatt came up with the pinfall. Afterwards, the Wyatt Family attacked Kane and took him away. On a side note, a couple of weeks ago, I thought to myself that it would be interesting if Kane joined the Wyatt Family, and now I really stand by that thought, especially after that ending.

Winner: Bray Wyatt (by pinfall)

Match #3
Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow

The match was good, but could definitely have been a lot longer. I feel like this was only to free up more time for later matches, which is unfortunate. Either way, it was good enough as it was, especially with the skills of both wrestlers. I was cheering when Rhodes hit the Disaster Kick and the Cross Rhodes, so it marked the first match of the night where I really got into the event. Good win for Rhodes.

Winner: Cody Rhodes (by pinfall)

Match #4
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Christian (World Heavyweight Title)

Wow. This was a great match. I didn't think it would be that good, but that's probably because I wasn't excited about the match in the first place. Christian was at the top of his game, and Del Rio was as relentless and aggressive as ever, so it made for a really exciting matchup. With every single near-fall, I was at the edge of my seat, and when Del Rio finally locked in the Cross-Armbreaker on Christian's injured shoulder, I knew it was over. Once again, great match. No cash-in by Sandow. Damn.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio (by submission)

Match #5
Natalya vs. Brie Bella

So, besides my surprise that this match still took place, it was okay. I'm genuinely glad that some Divas other than Kaitlyn and AJ got to wrestle at an event, so good for them. Natalya is extremely underrated, so to see her win a match at SummerSlam was pretty cool. Brie Bella showed some real skills too, but it's unlikely we'll be seeing this kind of good Diva action anytime again soon.

Winner: Natalya (by submission)

Match #6
CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar (No Disqualification)

So far, this match has stolen the show! With all of the back-and-forth submission holds, Lesnar's power moves, and Punk's high-flying, this match is going to be hard to top with the two matches that are left. I absolutely loved it when Punk jumped off the top rope with the chair! That was insane! But just like I thought, even before I found out the match was No DQ, Paul Heyman was the reason that Lesnar won.  He interfered in the match way too much, it was only a matter of time until Lesnar got the pin. I will admit though, they had me going for awhile, and I thought that Punk would triumph, but alas. All in all, it was the best match so far.

Winner: Brock Lesnar (by pinfall)

Match #7
Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ Lee

Decent match. I kind of wish it went longer, but just like the Rhodes/Sandow match, it was probably rushed because of the main event coming up. Ziggler was top notch with his in-ring skills as usual, and Kaitlyn speared the hell out of AJ, which was just fantastic. One Zig Zag later, and Big E was getting pinned by Ziggler. Hopefully, this will end the feud between them and Ziggler can get back to his rightful World Heavyweight Title.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn (by pinfall)

Match #8
John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan (WWE Title) [Special Ref: Triple H]

The most priceless moment of the match: When I yelled "What a friggin' clothesline!", followed quickly by JBL yelling the same exact thing. Awesome. But really, the main event was amazing in every way. Cena was pulling off moves that amazed even me, and Bryan was just incredible. In the end, when Bryan scored the three-count on Cena, the crowd, and the room I was in, erupted. It was a long time coming, and it was definitely an emotional moment for all. And then Randy Orton came out.. Now, I figured he was just coming down to let Bryan know that he would cash in at another time, but when Triple H turned on Bryan, I was baffled.. Orton cashes in and becomes the new WWE Champion, leaving Bryan in the record books as a title holder for a total of two or three minutes.. Wow.

Winner: Daniel Bryan (by pinfall)

Match #9
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Randy Orton (WWE Title)


Winner: Randy Orton (by pinfall)

That was a pretty damn good SummerSlam. Now, I'm really excited to see Raw tomorrow night, because I want to see Orton and Triple H and what their deal is. Along with some other feuds from tonight, it'll be interesting to see the fallout from each match. I hope you enjoyed my LIVE blog post, and hopefully I'll be able to do this for future events. Thanks for reading!


  1. The Wyatts need a woman, I wonder what Nidia is up to these days

  2. Haha, they should call her immediately!

  3. I was really pulling for a Christian win last night. But all in all it was a good ppv, better than I was expecting, especially since I called the ending. You're Welcome!

    1. Yeah, even I wanted Christian to win, and I've never been a big fan of his. I'm just sick of Del Rio having the belt, lol.
