Thursday, August 8, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E2 - "Chapter 2" Review

"Every Tuesday I sit down with the Speaker and the Majority Leader to discuss the week's agenda. Well, 'discuss' is probably the wrong word. They talk while I sit quietly and imagine their lightly-salted faces frying in a skillet." - Frank Underwood

Okay, along with that awesome quote (which I believe will become an episodic occurrence), this episode picked up the pace a bit. Now, I'm actually a little bit more invested in other characters' stories. First, the moron that I mentioned from my previous review (the one who got pulled over while he was high) showed that he's even more of a dumb-ass than I thought. By the way, his name is Peter Russo, and he's a Congressman (how did he even get that job?). He still hasn't told his girlfriend, Christine, about the other woman in his car, which we come to find out later, is a prostitute (I'll get into that more in a minute). It seems to me that Christine is so in love with him, that not only does she fail to see that he's a cheater, but she's apparently okay with being treated like crap. Just some of the stuff that he says to her makes me think how she got involved with him at all. He's a piece of crap.

Going back to that prostitute, we are shown more of another character: Doug Stamper, Frank's Chief of Staff. He's the guy who really does a lot of Frank's dirty work, so when something goes down, you know Stamper will be there. He was the one who got Russo to go on a last-minute trip to help with Frank's plans (Russo owes Frank for not sharing information about Russo's addictions). He was the one who confronted the prostitute with $10,000 to keep silent about Russo's indiscretions; which also led to an amusing moment where he told her to open her mouth, and then he gave her a wad of cash, and said "Last little bit's for me." Such a classy guy, he didn't even have her take it out of the 10 grand.

Michael Kelly as Doug Stamper

Another amusing moment was where Frank's plan to bring down Secretary Kern worked like a charm. Throughout the whole episode, everyone was working towards that goal, unknowingly or knowingly, but when Kern was on TV, and we see him just losing his cool when confronted with all of those accusations, it was a good payoff. Frank is one smart guy, and even though he's so manipulative, you can't help but root for him since, after all, it is Kevin Spacey.

One of my favorite themes that I've started to notice, and one that I'm sure I'll love this season, is all of the head-to-head battles between Zoe and her coworker Janine Skorsky. I'm loving the fact that Janine keeps getting shut down once Zoe walks into a room with a story; that's what she gets for belittling Zoe in the first episode. But really, Janine is acting childish and needs to simmer down. Hopefully, this feud will continue and Zoe will continuously get the better of Janine.

Lastly, we were also introduced to a man who looks to be Frank's arch-nemesis, Remy. I'm not sure what to make of him yet, so I'll touch upon that subject at another time. On a random note, I have this sneaking feeling that Claire is cheating on Frank, only because she told him that she hadn't gone running that morning, when clearly we saw her running, and we never found out what came of that. Hmmm.. we shall see.

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