Monday, August 19, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E10 - "Buried" Review

After last week's ending, where did that leave Walt and Hank's relationship? Is Jesse still feeling the effects of what he's been involved in? Find out here!

First, I'll just say that this episode was good, but not as good as last week's premiere. With that being said, I was very surprised that Jesse was barely in this episode; but, I now have an idea of what he'll be a part of for the rest of the season. I'll get to that in a minute.

Right away, we start off with Walt leaving the garage after the confrontation with Hank, and things already got crazy. With Walt rushing to get to Skylar before Hank did, it was an intense scene which was followed by an equally intense involving Hank and Skylar in a diner. This is where the show really shines, because it takes amazing writing to have a simple conversation end up more thrilling than some action scenes. When Hank tried his hardest to get Skylar to tell him everything about Walt, I was actually surprised that Skylar kept quiet, but even more surprised at Hank's demeanor during the encounter. It seemed as if this set up how Hank would be throughout the rest of the show. He's now completely obsessed with bringing Walt down, as I'm sure he's upset that not only is his brother-in-law Heisenberg, but that Walt was under his nose the whole time and he could never see it. I can't stress enough how much this show is going to finish with a bang, and it's going to be a great ride.

Later on, we come to find out that Marie knows everything after Hank tells her, as she tries to talk Skylar into confiding in Hank. But, she got more than she bargained for when she finds out exactly how long Skylar had known about Walt's dealings; Skylar had known even before Hank got shot, so when Marie finds out, she slaps Skylar and then tries to take the baby away. It was a crazy scene, but all I could think was Marie was going to go back to her kleptomaniac ways, starting with the baby.

Lydia shows up again this week, during the action moment of the week, and offers Declan a way of producing better meth. After his refusal, we get a brilliantly shot scene where Lydia stays underground in the meth lab/bunker, covers her ears, as we hear Declan and his men get gunned down by Todd's uncle's crew. I guess when you cook crappy meth, it really isn't good for business.

There really wasn't anything else going on, except for the final scene. Apparently, Jesse was brought in after giving away all of that money, and Hank wanted to talk to him. I was thinking, "Uh-oh.. Is Jesse going to flip on Walt?" And then, once Hank entered the room.. credits. Damn! Another week of waiting! It was a nice tease, so I can't fault them for that.

So, that's pretty much it for this week. Check back next time to find out what happened in the interrogation room!

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