Wednesday, August 14, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E6 - "Chapter 6" Review

Time for some more House of Cards goodness. Read on to find out what happened in "Chapter 6":

That was some twist! The fact that Frank was behind the whole incident at his own house was very surprising. Then again, I should know what he's capable of at this point. But either way, it was still a bit shocking that he'd go that far to put an end to the strike. His confrontation with Spinella was a better attempt, as he got Spinella to punch him; this gave him the leverage to blackmail Spinella into ending the strike peacefully rather than be charged with a felony of assaulting a Congressman. Well played, Frank.

This episode really was focused on the strike as the main plot, but there were some bits that were dedicated to other characters, at least for a moment or two. Peter Russo has gone a month without drinking, and is ready to begin his campaign for Governor. According to Frank, he will also have to attend A.A. meetings, in order to show his commitment to the cause, which Peter is willing to do. Okay, why do I get the feeling that we haven't heard the end of Russo's addictions? I think it's great that he is taking charge of his life, but at the same time, it won't happen overnight; and if that phone call to Christine is any indication, then maybe Russo has a chance at redemption. Only time will tell.

I liked the side story with Frank's new bodyguard, Edward Meechum, because it was interesting to see how far Meechum would go to get his job back. For some reason, after Frank refused to speak to the Captain, I thought that Meechum was going to try to get revenge somehow, but that's probably just me thinking this is some sort of action-drama when it's clearly not. Anyway, Frank has a change of heart later and gets Meechum his job back, but this is after finding out that Frank was responsible for the incident that got Meechum fired in the first place; so, it only seemed like the right thing for Frank to do. Now, I'm curious if Meechum will have some bigger part to play.

Can I talk about that scene with Claire and the dying bodyguard? What was that about? I understood that Steve hated Frank and always loved Claire, but what was Claire's deal when she started rubbing him under the sheets? It was messed up, even for Claire. I'm guessing that she just wanted to prove a point.. a point that escapes me right now. Oh well. I guess I'm still baffled that a married woman would be doing that to a dying man, and then worst of all: stopping. Poor guy.

If I have any issues with this episode, it's this: There was not enough Zoe-time. I think the show works better when showing the parallel stories between Frank and Zoe. In this episode, we only get to see her a couple of times, but it's only to show us that Frank really has her on a tight leash. If it wasn't clear before that he's just using her, then it definitely is now. Hopefully she wises up, or at least gets to have a good storyline in the next episode.

All in all, it was a good episode, especially since I realized something that I should've noticed two episodes ago: At the end of the episode, Frank and Claire were having drinks by their window, reflecting about the events that had transpired. This is something that occurred in the last few episodes as well. I hope this becomes the trend for the show, because it's kind of interesting.

Oh, and one last gripe before I move on to the next episode: There needs to be more Frank-talking-to-the-camera scenes. That is all.

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