Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Walking Dead - S4, E1 - "30 Days Without an Accident" Review

Season 4 of The Walking Dead premiered tonight. I believe that this is some kind of exciting occasion, am I right? Well, read on to find out for yourself!

I thought that this was a decent premiere. It really opened up a lot of story lines and introduced new, interesting characters. Speaking of which, I'll start this off with the introduction of Bob. Apparently, he was a military medic, but it looks like he may have had an alcohol problem. The way he had to fight the urge to take a bottle from the supermarket was obviously a red flag. Plus, he just has this thing about him that I don't trust. We'll see how his character proceeds from here.

On the relationship front, a lot has changed. Tyreese is with Karen (that was her, right?), Beth was with a new character named Zack (she seemed pretty cold to him, but I'll get to that soon), Rick and Michonne seemed pretty flirtatious, and Daryl and Carol are still... what, exactly? They've never made that real clear. By the way, how long after last season's finale did this take place anyway?

"Are we doin' this thing?"

So, Rick is no longer their leader, which seemed like the obvious change that would occur after last season, and their decisions are now made by a Council! That is very interesting. It means that we will probably get some cool scenes between the characters on the Council, when it comes to making important decisions. Maybe Michonne's search for the Governor will come up. Yes, Michonne is obviously searching for him, evidenced when she specifically told Daryl that she couldn't find him. I'm assuming Daryl would like to have a word with him after what happened to Merle.

I'll switch gears a little bit here and talk about what Rick was up to. So, he meets this Irish woman in the woods, who tells Rick that her and someone named Eddie have been on their own for too long and wants to know if they could join Rick's shelter. After some conversing, Rick follows her back to where Eddie is so he can question them before allowing them passage to the prison. Along the way, she mentions things that her and Eddie were willing to do, and I swear my first thought was that they ate people to survive. That would've been a cool twist. But, after she tries to kill Rick, we find out that she's been keeping Eddie's zombie head and feeding him so they could always be together. Instead, she decided to kill herself to get the same result. For a one-eipsode stint, I thought that actress did pretty well with what she was given.

Also on the subject of Rick, I'm glad that he has finally taken charge of how Carl acts in this world. You know, since Carl should be acting like a kid and not a damn psychopath like last season. That's right, I'm no fan of Carl. I do understand that growing up in that world would mess up anyone, but I still don't like the character. Although, I am interested to see what he does now that he knows about Carol's secret meeting with the kids. When story time session turned into a knife training lesson, I thought that was pretty bad-ass of Carol to be running that without Rick's knowledge.

On a random note, Glenn and Maggie talked about having kids and how much Glenn is seriously opposed to the idea, while Maggie seems open to it if it were to happen. I love these two characters, but I'm disappointed that this was their only real scene together. I'm sure their story will pick up as the season progresses.

The big moments in this episode happened when a group went on a supply run to a supermarket. As I mentioned earlier, Bob resisted the urge to take a bottle of liquor, but when he put the bottle down, it broke and the whole shelf fell on him, causing enough noise to attract the walkers on the roof; and apparently the roof was unstable because there was a damn crashed helicopter on it! The craziest part was when all of the walkers started to drop in through the ceiling. That would be a pretty freaky scenario, if you ask me. Unfortunately, Bob's pesky alcoholic ways caused the death of poor Zack. I'm sure Beth will be quite upset at... oh wait, she wasn't upset at all. She "doesn't cry anymore". Oh, Beth... When Herschel is killed this season, you will cry.

*Bear in mind that I have no idea if Herschel will be killed, I'm just using an example. I'm also using a reverse psychology mechanism. In other words, I don't want Herschel to be killed off, because he's awesome, so if I mention him dying, then he won't. Makes sense, right?

Moving on...

The last scene ended with a young kid named Patrick getting sick, dying, and becoming a walker...inside the prison. Next week will be craziness all around. But, back to Patrick for a second: His sickness baffles me, because I want to know how it happened. There were some clues for those with some keen detective skills. For one, Patrick thanked Daryl at the beginning of the episode for bringing a deer the day before for the group to eat. Later on, Patrick got sick, which led to the ending...Hmm. Also, there was a walker that Rick kept staring at outside the fence, who had different eyes than all other walkers, but the same as Patrick when he turned. If there is some sort of different virus introduced this season, that would really makes things feel fresh to the series. I'm excited to see what else is in store.

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