Monday, October 7, 2013

WWE Battleground 2013

Remember that time when I said I would have predictions posted for each event no matter what?... Well, as you've probably noticed, I changed my mind about that (at least for this event). Until WWE decides on one pay-per-view for the month of October, I'll only be posting about the main event of the month, which I consider to be Hell in a Cell.

Besides, I heard that Battleground was subpar anyway... Ziggler was in the pre-show (really???), no titles changed hands, and there was a no-contest result in the main event. Ugh, I'll never understand the writers...

But, if I could complain about just one more thing (this post is actually going a bit longer than expected): So, they finally put Axel on the card in a title match, but they have him defend against R-Truth, with almost no build-up to the match whatsoever. If they're trying to bring back some credibility to the Intercontinental Title, they should really have some kind of a feud going on. Remember Triple H vs. The Rock at Madison Square Garden, Summerslam '98? That was an Intercontinental Title feud! Anyway, it's not like they have great feuds for anything but the WWE Title... Oh well, perhaps someday they'll get back on the ball with the importance of titles.

End rant.

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