Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sons of Anarchy - S6, E5 - "The Mad King" Review

After some crazy events in the last episode, how did this one fare? Read on to find out!

This season is non-stop and I love it! As usual, I'll discuss the really good stuff at the end of my review, so let's get started.

I forgot to mention in my last review all the stuff regarding Nero and Roosevelt. Even though Roosevelt has a good idea that Nero is innocent in the murder charge, he's forced to look deeper into it now that the D.A. is involved; and she's not playing around, especially with how she's talking about Tara as if she's already guilty. I did think it was pretty funny when Roosevelt followed Nero, it was Barosky who sent him packing, utilizing his pull with the local police on his turf.

On a random note, I was right in my last review: Unser has offered to help Tara with her "exit strategy", which can only mean that there will be some sort of fallout between him and Gemma, because we all know that Gemma is going to get unnecessarily involved in the whole thing; and with Wendy on the brink of spilling the beans to Gemma, it looks like this is becoming a dangerous situation.

There were a lot of things going on concerning Jax, the Club, and the Irish. The Club searched high and low for Galen, but found out that he already left the country. The scene that Jax found this out was pretty funny, as he stabbed a guy though the hand with a shamrock pen to find out that information. That pen came into play later... I'll get to that in a second. Eventually, Jax was able to get on the phone with the Irish Kings in Belfast, so he could explain the situation between him and Galen. It looked as though Jax could talk to them reasonably, until he mentioned moving the gun operation over to August Marks. He's worked with them for years, didn't he know how racist they were? Chibs certainly knew, because once he found out the deal that Jax offered them, he knew that it wasn't going to play out well. If Jax had talked to Chibs about it first, then maybe the Kings wouldn't have run straight to Clay.

Yep, Galen was in the room with the Kings during Jax's phone call, and afterwards he convinced them to give the operation to Clay instead, and that he already made arrangements to bust him out of prison. When he mentioned about severing ties with the Club, I knew it sounded bad, but I didn't know just how bad it would get. Again, I'll get to that in a second...

Clay requested a conjugal visit with Gemma, which was just a ruse so that he could warn Gemma and Jax about the Galen's plans. This shocked me more than anything. Is Clay really turning over a new leaf, or is he still just messing with everybody? I just feel like I can't completely trust him yet. But either way, the conjugal visit turned from awkward to disturbing (and random) when the guards came in and forced Clay and Gemma to have sex... Why? So the guards could pleasure themselves at the same time... Like I said, random. I'm curious though, now that Gemma told Nero what happened, what is Nero going to do? He loves her so much, I almost think that he's going to go a little nuts and seek revenge somehow. Time will tell.

So, that shamrock pen that I mentioned earlier: it turned up in the clubhouse later when Jax was expecting a phone call from the Kings, regarding their decision about the gun operation. This was an intense moment, because not only were the Club members there, but so were their families. To me, it seemed obvious that the Kings were planning something, but it was still crazy to see the clubhouse blow up like that. I really thought Chibs was a goner when he was running out of there last, but thankfully he was okay.

Now that the clubhouse is gone, and Jax has the Irish to deal with, plus the D.A. breathing down their necks, what is he going to do? Keep in mind, we're only heading toward episode 6! I'm loving this season so far. Check back for the next review after it airs.

Don''t forget to comment and discuss below!

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