Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E16 - "Felina" Review *SERIES FINALE*

Well, we're finally here. The end of the Walter White saga. So, how did it all end? Read on to find out!

To be perfectly honest, this was one of the best Series Finales that I have ever seen. A lot of people may disagree, since it was so slow-paced, but I'm a fan of a show tying up any, and all, loose ends; this finale did that completely.

The first thing I want to talk about is the scene at Elliott and Gretchen's house. How awesome was that scene? I just loved the twists. I thought that maybe Walt completely lost it and was heading there to kill the both of them, but he just wanted to blackmail them in order to have them give his money to his kids. Then, when Walt didn't believe that they would follow through with the plan, he motioned toward the window and two sniper sights focused on Elliott and Gretchen! Wow, I was not expecting that at all. I loved how Walt finally got somewhat of a revenge on them for what they did to him so long ago, and it was perfectly executed with his great line as he left their house: "Cheer up, beautiful people. This is where you get to make it right". Oh, and then we found out that there were no snipers, but it was just Badger and Skinny Pete using a couple of laser pointers. Genius!

I love seeing Walt at his smartest, and you could tell, during the scene at the diner with Lydia and Todd, that he was just playing the both of them. There was no way that he wanted to give Todd a new idea about cooking meth, much less tell Jack about it, considering that Walt wants nothing more than to murder Jack. I also have to comment on the nice camera angle on Lydia's coffee and she put her Stevia packs into it: Even though these were all obvious, foreshadowing moments, it didn't take away from the fact that we wanted to see the outcome later on.

I love that Walt went to see Skylar one last time, if only to help her out in some way. Using the coordinates, where Hank and Steve Gomez were buried, to trade for a deal with the prosecutors was a good idea. Also, for Walt to finally admit to Skylar that he did everything because he enjoyed it, and it made him feel alive, was a huge moment for Walt. It was tough to see Walt saying goodbye to Holly, but it was even more difficult to see his face as he watched Walt Jr. from a distance. Again, it was obvious that it was the last time that he would see his children, but that certainly didn't take away from the moment. That's a great thins about this show: The acting is so good that it trumps anything else you could think would be wrong with it (if anything at all).

And then we come to the final scene at jack's clubhouse. It was nothing short of amazing. The one thing I still wonder about is, did Walt think that Jack, Todd, and Lydia would double-cross him and not fall for his story about a new cooking method? He looked genuinely surprised when Jack was talking about killing him. But, I also think that Walt was really surprised that Jesse was being kept as a prisoner as he was made to cook for Jack and his crew. I'm going to go ahead and assume that, up until that moment, Walt had planned on Jesse being killed in the crossfire of the gun as well. That's why it was such a great moment when Walt tackled Jesse to the ground to protect him, as the gun popped up out of the trunk of his car and killed everybody in the room.

Some of the best moments happened after that, as Jesse strangled Todd (awesome!), Walt executed Jack (even when Jack was about to say that Walt would never find out where his money was if he pulled the trigger, Walt didn't hesitate to kill him), and Lydia had a nice phone call with Walt. It seems that Lydia thought Todd and Jack had killed Walt already, but Walt answered Todd's phone and explained that her flu-like symptoms were the cause of the ricin that he slipped into her Stevia packs. Words cannot express the joy I felt, knowing that Walt had succeeded in fully protecting his family in the very end.

I didn't know what to expect between Jesse and Walt's confrontation, but I'm glad that Jesse didn't kill him. It was a great moment when he drove away, because you knew that he was finally free. The last scene with Walt in Jack's meth lab was so amazing: To see Walt happy, in the place that made him feel so alive, was great, and to see him die from the gunshot wound, in that very same place, was symbolic of the entire series.

This may seem like a random (but true) statement, but I'd say that "Tread lightly" and "I am the one who knocks!" will forever have new meaning, due to the awesomeness of this show. But seriously, I couldn't be happier with the ending of this show. I'm sad that it's over, but I'm very glad that it ended on such a high note.

Breaking Bad.. you done good, bitch.

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