Monday, August 26, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E11 - "Confessions" Review

What happened in the interrogation room with Hank and Jesse? Did Skylar have yet another nervous breakdown? And did Marie go back to her kleptomaniac ways?? Read on to find out!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hello, everybody. I just wanted to apologize for the lack of posts this week; it has been a hectic week of school, work, and sleep (when I have time for that, even). I'll try and get a review or two done for House of Cards in the near future. Of course, there will be one for Breaking Bad this sunday. Other than that, I'll try to make sure I find the time to post on here more.

Thanks for your patience, and for all the support on this blog so far. By the way, I just have to say that the SummerSlam LIVE blog was a hit! I will definitely try and make sure that I see every pay-per-view from this moment forward, that way I can LIVE blog again.

Thanks again!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E10 - "Buried" Review

After last week's ending, where did that leave Walt and Hank's relationship? Is Jesse still feeling the effects of what he's been involved in? Find out here!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

WWE SummerSlam 2013 - Predictions, Discussion, LIVE Results

Tonight, I will be covering the greatest sports-entertainment event of the summer: WWE SummerSlam! If you want to hear my predictions on the match results, my general opinions about the superstars, or anything else wrestling-related, then check it out! And then check back DURING the event for my live results!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm Still Here!

I apologize for the delay in content the past few days, but I haven't been able to watch much of House of Cards. Other than that, I've just been working and juggling ideas that I've had to better my financial situation. Hopefully, I'll be in a better spot soon enough, and things will start moving forward in my career.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is WWE SummerSlam and I'll be blogging about it! Yes, I am a huge fan of the WWE. I'll have predictions for the matches and other thoughts about the event, so check in tomorrow for more.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E6 - "Chapter 6" Review

Time for some more House of Cards goodness. Read on to find out what happened in "Chapter 6":

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Breaking Bad - S5, E9 - "Blood Money" Review

After almost a year of being off the air, the long wait for fans of the show was a grueling one. Well, I can only imagine since, thankfully, I just finished watching the previous eight episodes last week on Netflix. This will be the first time that I watch Breaking Bad on a weekly basis. Let's find out if it was worth the wait:

Sunday Thoughts..

Hello everybody! Well, tonight is a night full of good shows: Dexter, True Blood, and Breaking Bad! Hell, even Total Divas is on! Well, in terms of shows I choose to write about this season, I will try my best to have a review up for Breaking Bad later tonight. It should be an exciting episode.

Other than TV show stuff, I've finished all of my classwork for this week of school, and tomorrow begins "Week 2". Principles of Digital Marketing is a pretty amazing class so far, and it's really teaching me the intricacies of social media and how to market towards an audience. :ahem: follow J. M. DeSantis on Twitter at and check out his website at

Anyway, stop back again later!

Friday, August 9, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E5 - "Chapter 5" Review

Did Claire find out about Frank and Zoe's night together? Has Peter smartened up yet? Let's find out!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

House of Cards - S1, E4 - "Chapter 4" Review

The stakes are now higher as Frank and Zoe have an interesting encounter. Find out more after the jump!

House of Cards - S1, E3 - "Chapter 3" Review

"Chapter 3" may have been a mixed bag, but you still want to know what happened, right? Then, read on!

House of Cards - S1, E2 - "Chapter 2" Review

"Every Tuesday I sit down with the Speaker and the Majority Leader to discuss the week's agenda. Well, 'discuss' is probably the wrong word. They talk while I sit quietly and imagine their lightly-salted faces frying in a skillet." - Frank Underwood

House of Cards - S1, E1 - "Chapter 1" Review

First, let me just say that these reviews will probably be different than those you would find on a regular website. This is my blog, so these are my complete, uninhibited thoughts about subjects that interest me. As it pertains to reviews, there will be spoilers; There will not be a score of any sort at the end of each review, as to better the chances of my audience reading through the entirety of the post. If you're okay with this, enjoy my review for the very first episode of House of Cards.

Small detail about Reviews

Hello readers! I just wanted to let everyone know that if, for some reason, the blog page becomes too crowded with reviews or any other type of posts, go to the left side of the page where it says "Labels" and search for what you want through there.

Reviews will be labeled accordingly, as you'll see in the next couple of minutes. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My first review of a TV series!

Hello everybody! I just wanted to let you all know that soon I will be reviewing any TV shows that I haven't seen before, right here, for your reading pleasure. I'll most likely start off with something from the beginning, so for shows like Dexter and True Blood, which are currently almost done, they will have to wait until next year (except Dexter, unfortunately, as this is its last season).

My current list of shows that I have not seen yet, but would like to start, are as follows:

- Orange is the New Black
- House of Cards
- Hemlock Grove
- Banshee
- Ray Donovan

I'd like to watch only one of these shows at a time, being that all of my regular shows come back this fall, but we'll see how it goes. So, what show do you think I should start with? Comment below and let me know.

Also, here is the list of my fall shows, just to give you an idea of what's coming up on my blog:

- Sons of Anarchy (Season 6)
- Boardwalk Empire (Season 4)
- American Horror Story: Coven
- Nikita (Season 4)
- The Walking Dead (Season 4)
- Once Upon a Time (Season 3)
- Homeland (Season 3)

And yes, I will be reviewing Breaking Bad (Season 5, Part 2), because it's been too long since it's been on TV, it may as well be a separate season.

As you can probably tell, I'm pretty excited for these shows to come back.

Inaugural Post

Greetings everyone! If you are reading this, then that means you are at least mildly interested in what I have to say. I started this blog so that I could keep myself writing every day, in order to better myself at the craft. You'll find different kinds of posts on here, ranging anywhere from different updates on my book ideas (when will it ever be done?), to reviews of some kind (TV, movie, etc.), and just about anything else.

Thanks in advance for checking out my blog, and hopefully I'll have something better for you to read soon.