Sunday, February 23, 2014

WWE Elimination Chamber 2014 - Predictions, Discussion, LIVE Results!

The "Road to Wrestlemania" continues with what seems like a decent event this year! We'll find out for sure in a few hours; that's right, starting with this event, and with the introduction of the awesome new WWE Network, I'm back to writing my LIVE results for each event!

So, let's dive right into the match predictions for tonight:

Along with the predictions, here is the match order that I think will occur:

Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Curtis Axel & Ryback [Pre-Show] -- This is only the pre-show, so I don't expect anything worthwhile to happen, but it would be interesting to see if Rhodes and Goldust had a falling out, considering the rumors of them having a match against each other at Wrestlemania this year. If they did have a falling out, I guess that means Axel and Ryback would get the win, causing Goldust (I'm guessing) to turn on Cody. Other than that, I'd just like to say that Axel and Ryback should not be a tag team anymore. If WWE wants to continue breaking up tag teams for some reason, why not break up a team that would really benefit from having singles careers again? I could go on a rant about how they've never fully given Axel a real moment to show us what he can do, or about how they pushed the hell out of Ryback only to bury him.. but I won't.

- Big E (c) vs. Jack Swagger (Intercontinental Title) -- This should be an easy one; Big E will retain the title for two reasons: 1) There hasn't been any sort of feud built up between the two of them, and 2) Since they're trying to build up Cesaro so much, I feel like WWE might have Swagger get jealous of Cesaro at some point and break up the team. Swagger will lose because a win would mean he's becoming successful at something, and I don't think that's going to happen, in regards to Cesaro. On a side note, I do hope that Big E gets an Intercontinental Title feud with somebody soon, because I don't mind Big E's push, as long as they do it correctly.

- Darren Young vs. Titus O'Neil -- This is another simple one. Titus O'Neil will win, because I definitely don't see them pushing Darren Young. I hope they prove me wrong; I'd be interested to see what Young can do on his own, but it's easier to see O'Neil as the one to go on to better things since he's already decent on the mic. A part of me also feels like this match is happening too quickly, and that after it's over, then we'll see the two of them move on to different feuds. Honestly, they should have a rematch at 'Mania in a stipulation match, depending on their showing at Chamber tonight.

- The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, & Erick Rowan) vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, & Roman Reigns) -- I foresee The Shield breaking up during this event, no question about it. There's been enough build-up toward it, and it's time for Roman Reigns to break out and shine on his own. So, the Wyatts will win and this will cause The Shield to fight amongst themselves, but I can definitely see Reigns and Ambrose being the ones to really go at it and Rollins trying to break it up as usual. I'll also say one other thing: This match will steal the show, hands down.

The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) (WWE Tag Team Titles) -- This is a tough one. I only say that because I think we all want The Usos to win the titles. They deserve it. But, sometimes, especially in cases like this, WWE has a tendency to go against what the fans want. Either way, I think I'll go against my better instincts and call The Usos the new Tag Team champions.

- Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio -- Does anyone actually think Del Rio will win? If you do, then I guess you don't know anything about anything, because Batista will wipe the floor with Del Rio in probably less than 10 minutes. This match only serves one purpose, and that's to build-up Batista's presence in the main event of Wrestlemania. Del Rio is just playing the role of 'jobber' tonight.

- Randy Orton (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Cesaro vs. Christian (WWE World Heavyweight Title) (Elimination Chamber Match) -- I'll be honest, I'm really excited for this match; not just because it's a damn Elimination Chamber match, but because I don't know who will win... Ok, I'm lying about that... I think it's unfortunately obvious that Randy Orton will keep the belt. That really makes a match like this pointless, but I guess it's customary to send the crowd home pissed off, even if it's the final event before 'Mania. It sounds like a smart move in theory, right?... No?... Yeah, I don't think so either.

But anyway, I'll just note a couple of other details about this match: Christian will probably be the first to be eliminated, just because he seems the most out of place right now. Sheamus will be next. Down to the final four, this is where it gets tricky... Somehow, Cesaro will probably get eliminated by Cena or Bryan, but then they will only lose after the Wyatts and Kane get involved against their respective adversaries. I know, I know, Cena and the Wyatts haven't gotten in each other's faces for a few weeks, but we all know the reason that they messed with Cena at the Rumble is because 'John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt' will be happening at 'Mania. And they seem to be building up a match between Kane and Daniel Bryan, so once again, the fans will be in an uproar because Bryan will not be involved in the main event at 'Mania this year... It's such a silly move, but what else can we do except complain about it? It's the nature of the professional wrestling; the fans don't always get what they want, even if it is [ahem] best for business.

LIVE Results

Match #1 - Pre-show
Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Curtis Axel & Ryback

So, apparently I'm 0-1 for the night already; Rhodes and Goldust beat Ryback and Axel in a so-so match. Some of the moves that Goldust pulled off were crazy for someone his age, and it paid off when he distracted Ryback outside the ring and Rhodes got the Cross-Rhodes on Axel. It was also a little surprising, being that they are in Axel's hometown tonight.

Winner: Cody Rhodes & Goldust (by pinfall)

Match #2
Big E (c) vs. Jack Swagger (Intercontinental Title)

This was a pretty good match for an Intercontinental Title match. They need to keep making matches of this quality for this title like the old days. I was correct in my assumption that the lack of a feud would result in Swagger's loss. Although it looked like Swagger might've won for a moment, Big E overpowered him and gave him the Big Ending for the 3-count.

Winner: Big E (by pinfall)

Match #3
The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (c) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) (WWE Tag Team Titles)

Well, that was disappointing... For some reason, a tag team that deserves the titles doesn't get the recognition that they deserve... Instead, we get to see a geriatric tag team keep the belts like this was 1999 or something. The match could've been an exciting one, but it was pretty boring for the most part. Will we ever see a tag team win the belts for the first time? Someone like The Usos, Team Rybaxel, or The Real Americans?

Oh, and on a side note: this was the second time that Bad News Barrett came out after the match and talked smack. Kind of annoying really, and I don't see the point...

Winner: The New Age Outlaws (by pinfall)

Match #4
Darren Young vs. Titus O'Neil

Another disappointment... Damn, this match was rough to watch. It wasn't totally the fault of Young or O'Neil, but the crowd wasn't invested in the feud, because it was rushed. Titus wins within 5-6 minutes, using his finisher.. and the crowd doesn't even react.. Awesome.

Winner: Titus O'Neil

Match #5
The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan) vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, & Roman Reigns)

Hell yeah! That match was amazing, and it definitely stole the show so far. After Ambrose and Rollins were down for the count outside the ring, it was awesome to see Reigns take on the Wyatts all by himself, especially when he did the Superman Punch twice. As expected though, the Wyatts prevailed when Bray Wyatt gave Reigns the Sister Abigail, but surprisingly there was no fallout between the members of The Shield. Maybe tomorrow night on Raw?

Winner: The Wyatt Family (by pinfall)

Match #6
AJ Lee (c) vs. Cameron (Divas Title)

It wasn't too terrible for an impromptu match. Cameron had no business being in that ring, she had so many moments that she messed up, it was ridiculous. The only interesting part was when AJ was accidentally super-kicked by Tamina Snuka outside the ring, and I thought that Cameron would actually win the title (I would've screamed at the TV if that happened), but thankfully Tamina attacked Cameron and got AJ disqualified. Some seeds of discord between Tamina and AJ were planted, which was interesting.

Bad News Barrett came out for the fourth time tonight... ugh, why hasn't anybody come out to attack him yet?

Winner: Cameron (by Disqualification)

Match #7
Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio

You know what's funny? Del Rio comes out at the beginning of the match with some crutches, and then attacks Batista with them, making us think that he has a chance of winning.. That was a good try. But, of course, we all knew what was coming: Batista basically destroyed Del Rio while the crowd booed him and cheered for any other random wrestler that they could, including CM Punk and Chris Jericho. It was so uninteresting, I don't even remember how Batista won, and it was only a few minutes ago.

Winner: Batista (by pinfall)

Match #8
Randy Orton (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Cesaro vs. Christian (WWE World Heavyweight Title) (Elimination Chamber Match)

This is a different kind of match, so I'll try a sort-of-play-by-play style with it, and I'll update it as the match goes on.

With the other four participants in their chambers, Cesaro and Sheamus started the match one-on-one. They did what they could for the first couple of minutes, and then Daniel Bryan was the next one in the ring, much to the delight of the crowd. There was a good spot where Cesaro threw Bryan into an empty chamber, breaking through the plexiglass. Christian came in next. Cesaro power bombed Christian into the glass of a chamber, but he didn't go through, so that was pretty awesome. Cena came in next, and became Super-Cena for a minute or two. Some good action was going on, and then Orton entered the match; no eliminations yet.

Orton ended up locking himself back up in a chamber, refusing to fight anyone. He started taunting Sheamus, but then Sheamus Brogue-Kicked Orton through the glass, which was absolutely fantastic and got a huge pop! Sheamus was then the first one eliminated when Christian gave him the Frog Splash off the top of a chamber. Right after that, Daniel Bryan gave Christian the running knee and pinned him. Cesaro did well against Cena for a few minutes, but Cena made him tap with the STF.

Then, the freaky Wyatt sound effect came on, the lights went out, and when they came back on, the Wyatt Family was in the ring. They attacked Cena, Bray gave him the Sister Abigail, and Orton pinned Cena, leaving only Orton and Bryan left. Kane came down to get the Wyatts out of there, but then Bryan attacked Kane. We obviously knew what was going to happen here: It would look like Bryan was going to win, but Kane would interfere, causing him to lose and Orton to retain the title. And that's exactly what happened.. Orton may have won, but I will say this: If the match between Orton and Batista doesn't become a triple threat match, including Daniel Bryan, that would be really stupid.

Winner: Randy Orton (by pinfall)

This event was pretty bad for the most part, with the exception of the six-man tag match with The Wyatts and The Shield, plus the main event. Tomorrow's Raw should be really good, especially since it's the first day that the WWE Network will be available, but I'm also expecting some good build-up for Wrestlemania. Will Roman Reigns turn against Ambrose and Rolliins? Will Daniel Bryan demand a spot in the main event of 'Mania? Will Batista get ANY cheers?? I guess we'll find out tomorrow night.

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