Saturday, January 25, 2014

WWE Royal Rumble 2014 - Predictions and Discussion

I figured I'd start the new year with a post about one of the best WWE pay-per-views: the Royal Rumble!

Besides my usual predictions for this event's matches, I'm also going to make some predictions regarding the Rumble participants, which should make this very interesting. Read on to see if you agree with my thought process.

Here is the order of the matches that I think will occur:

- Cody Rhodes & Goldust (c) vs. The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse James & Bad Ass Billy Gunn) (Tag Team Titles) [Pre-Show] -- I have a big feeling that the Outlaws will win this one. That stems from the fact that I believe the Rhodes brothers will start feuding after this match. The feud between them will start during this match or in the Rumble match, but either way, it's happening.

*By the way, as of right now, hours before the event, there have only been 3 matches announced besides the pre-show and the Rumble match itself; I do not think that it will take 2 hours for 3 matches, so I'm guessing there will be impromptu matches.

- Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt -- This is a tough one, to be honest. If they don't add some sort of stipulation, and it's really just a one-on-one match, then Daniel Bryan will win. However, if Harper and Rowan get involved, especially if it's some sort of "no disqualification" match, then Wyatt will win. Also, Bryan got the best of Wyatt the last time they were in the ring together, so "wrestling logic" usually dictates that Wyatt will win this one, but I'm going against the grain and calling Daniel Bryan the winner of this one...

Then again.. if Bryan's concussion, that he suffered a couple of weeks ago, is mild enough that he's able to be in this match, maybe he'll be a participant in the Rumble match, meaning that he could lose the match with Wyatt and win the Rumble. Aaah, so many scenarios!

- Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar -- Okay, I'm going to make this very simple by stating two things:

1) I don't care about this match whatsoever..

2) I know they're trying to put over the Big Show as a great, big, bad-ass, but he's not beating Lesnar. Plain and simple.

- Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena (WWE World Heavyweight Title) -- Another match that I don't care about, but that's mostly because I feel that the belt should be around anybody else's waist. I'm tired of seeing Orton and Cena headlining PPVs.. Anyway, I think Orton will keep the title this time, but hopefully lose it next month at Elimination Chamber to someone more worthy.

- ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH -- This is where things get really interesting: First of all, the good news is that Orton and Cena won't be in the Rumble (For some reason, it's an unwritten rule that anybody in the main title match won't be in the Rumble). The bad news is that out of all the announced participants so far, there are too many tag teams: The Usos, Xavier Woods & R-Truth, Cody Rhodes & Goldust, The Shield, and Luke Harper & Erick Rowan. That's 11 superstar slots that could've gone to anybody else.

But anyway, the one good thing about The Shield being in it, is that we may see more indications of a breakup. Perhaps Roman Reigns will get the big push that he deserves. To be honest, I think Dean Ambrose has a future as a top 'heel'; he just has that quality, but Reigns would be an awesome 'face' to follow. Only time will tell.

So, 20 superstars have been announced for the Rumble, which leaves 10 slots open for interpretation. Let's think for a second.. As I said earlier, Daniel Bryan could be a possibility, but also a game-time decision, depending on that concussion. Speaking of concussions, I feel like Dolph Ziggler may make a surprise return tonight, although the company has been burying him for months, so I don't even know what his status is right now. As for other surprises, I'm sure there will be a couple of crappy Legends in there, but I can honestly say that I think Jake 'the Snake' Roberts will make an appearance. He did great on Old School Raw, and I know he's been really wanting a spot in this year's Rumble.

A few days ago, I would've said that Brodus Clay would debut a new look as part of a 'repackaging', but then I saw him on Smackdown and said, "Oh...nevermind", so there you go. But, I DO think that one of the biggest surprises of the night will be the return of Sheamus!! I believe he's due back from injury, but even if it's not expected, people have come back early from injury before.

On a side note, I just want to say that I hope Bad News Barrett is in the Rumble match. I just want to hear him say that he's "got some bad news", because that's starting to grow on me. No joke.

Lastly, I want to talk about potential winners: To me, the obvious frontrunners are Batista, CM Punk, and Alberto Del Rio (for some reason, they have him feuding with Batista right now). If Daniel Bryan is in it, then he skyrockets to the top of that list. In all honesty, I hope that CM Punk wins it. I know there people out there who feel that he a great run as champion already, but it's not about that: it's about the fact that he's never actually been in the 'main event' of Wrestlemania, a travesty in itself. I know that they like to say there are more than one main event at Mania every year, but when I think 'main event', I think of the final match of the night; and to be honest, that final match should ALWAYS be for the WWE title, no matter what. Again, I hope Punk wins it and gets his rightful spot in the main event, and final match, of Wrestlemania 30.

Do I think that WWE could do something silly and have frickin' Batista win it? Sure. Do I think that they would actually fathom putting him in the main event of Mania, even though he hasn't been with the company for over two years? Of course. But, for some reason, I have faith that they will do the right thing this year: CM Punk or Daniel Bryan for the win. Anybody else would be bad for business.

Agree? Disagree? Comment below and enjoy the Royal Rumble later tonight.

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